12th Symposium - Caribe Royal, Orlando, FL November 3, 2008 - November 6, 2008


Alteration of the Canadian Pacific Railway Drawbridge Over the Upper Mississippi River, La Crosse, Wisconson Under the Provisions of Truman-Hobbs Act (737 KB)

Arthur Kill Lift Bridge – Unique Trunnion Bearing Repair (1.5 MB)

Comparison of Movable Bridge Design in Domestic and Foreign Markets (543 KB)

Computer Aided Design/Engineering for Trunnion Girder Design on Water Street Bridge (2 MB)

Considerations during Gravity Lowering of Movable Structures – Stickel Bridge, Newark, New Jersey (228 KB)

Developing Quality Electrical Design Plans (191 KB)

Gearbox Maintenance and Lubrication (446 KB)

Green Design for Movable Bridges (161 KB)

Hydraulics Joins the Cirque (144 KB)

Innovative Design of Movable Bridges (4 MB)

Innovative Solutions to Comples Challenges – NW 12th Avenue Bascule Bridge Replacement (1.5 MB)

Lift-Slide Drawbridge with the Varying Force Counterweight System (800 KB)

Making Waddell Work in the 21st Century (1.8 MB)

Miller Park – Closing the Chapter on Retractable Roof Problems (488 KB)

Movable Roofs: Conceptual Design of the Stadium in Rome (1.5 MB)

NW 17th Avenue Bridge Rehabilitation Over the Miami River, Miami-Dade County (621 KB)

Overview of Position Feedback Sensors Available for Bridges and Other HMS Projects: From Electromechanical to Electronic to Fiber Optics (741 KB)

Rational Specifications for Speed Reducers on Movable Bridges (179 KB)

Reconstruction of the 7th Street Bridge over the Black River – Port Huron, Michigan – Pier Stabilization (1.1 MB)

Rehabilitation of the Fremont Bridge in Seattle, Washington (3.1 MB)

Rehabilitation of the Hollywood Boulevard (S.R. 820) Bascule Bridge (356 KB)

Replacement of Spheroidal Trunnion Bushing – Alford Street (State Route 99) Over Mystic River (649 KB)

Replacement of the Belle River Pontoon Bridge (771 KB)

Replacement of the Hamilton Avenue Bridge, A Rare Hanover Skewed Bascule (1.1 MB)

Replacing the Counterweight Trunnion Bearins in a Strauss Bascule Bridge (1.2 MB)

The Security Assessment of Cable Assemblies in Movable Structures (771 KB)

Selecting and Specifying Bearings for Movable Bridges (1.5 MB)

The New Woodrow Wilson Bridge (485 KB)

Design of Heavy Movable Structures using Advanced Modeling and Visualizations (470 KB)

Willis Avenue Swing Bridge, Carrying a $612M Project From Design into Construction (1 MB)

Yantai – Dalian Railway Ferry Project (4 KB)