5th Symposium - Holiday Inn Surfside, Clearwater, FL November 2, 1994 - November 4, 1994


Hydraulics of an Unbalanced Bridge (761 KB)

New Concepts of Hydraulically Operated Steel Structures (464 KB)

The Bascule Bridge for Seville, a New Concept of Hydraulic Control for Bridges (635 KB)

Protection System Design for Equipment Reliability and Longevity (955 KB)

Early Streamer Emission Lightning Protection Systems for Heavy Movable Structures/Movable Bridges (569 KB)

Mechanical and Electrical Redundancy Considerations for Movable Bridge Systems (1.7 MB)

The Application of Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) Programmable Logic Controls (PLC) to a Heavy Movable Structure (865 KB)

Standardization Leads to Modular Control Design for Movable Bridges (701 KB)

Bridge Drive Systems Incorporating Hydraulic Motors and Gear Reducers (627 KB)

Drive System Replacement on Main Street Lift Bridge Jacksonville, Florida 1994 (794 KB)

Application of the Dragnet Vehicle Arresting Barrier to Movable Bridges (5.4 MB)

Temporary Movable Bridges (1.8 MB)

Overcoating Structural Steel Containing Lead Based Paints: An Economical Alternative to Total Removal and Containment (340 KB)

Narrow Entry Waterway Protection (624 KB)

Emergency Replacement of Deformed, Crystallized Scherzer Tread Plates (669 KB)

Spherical Roller Bearings Design as Used on Movable Bridges (407 KB)

Grid Reinforced Concrete Bridge Deck Overlay Choices for Movable Bridges (195 KB)

Observations and Comments: AASHTO Design Practices for Movable Bridge Operating Machinery (296 KB)

Strain Gage Method for Clutch Adjust of Vertical Lift Bridges (758 KB)

Speed Reducer: Failure Investigation and Analysis (525 KB)

100 Tons of Molten Steel: A Heavy Movable Structure (189 KB)

145th Street Bridge Repair (1 MB)

Rolling Lift Repairs (151 KB)

The Design and Construction of Mutford Bridge and Associated Works (1.7 MB)

Stabilization of Double Leaf Bascule Bridges (669 KB)

Seismic Retrofit and Refurbishment of the Ballard Bascule Bridge Seattle, Washington (1.5 MB)

The Tarentum Bridge Paint Project: Case Study (419 KB)

Ninth Street Bridge: Constraints in all Directions (1.7 MB)

Test Results of the Bridge Balancing by the Strain Gage Technique of a Vertical Lift Bridge in Hannibal Missouri (365 KB)

Remember the Past to Inspire the Future (1.8 MB)

Hydraulic Lifting System for Kingston Ferry Terminal Passenger Loading Ramp (518 KB)

The Development, Installation and Monitoring of Smart Bolts for Bridges (422 KB)

Proof of New Cylinder Technology in Movable Structures (846 KB)

The Galata Bridge in Istanbul, the Biggest Bascule Bridge in the World (1.4 MB)

Considerations on the Design of Speed Reducers for Movable Bridges (596 KB)