
Industry support is the backbone of Heavy Movable Structures, Inc. The below listed suppliers, manufacturers, designers and specialists provide the expertise, goods and services vital to our industry and the HMS Biennial Movable Bridge Symposia. They participate in and support our organization and our information exchange programs. The below list recognizes our executive sponsors, our corporate sponsors and our exhibitors for the current symposium.


Please contact our Webmaster Mickey Harrison at Mickey.Harrison@Stantec.com, to inquire about becoming a sponsor.

Executive Sponsors

Steward Machine Company

Multomah County


HNTB Corporation

Modjeski & Masters



2024 Symposium Sponsors

Gannet Fleming TranSystems

Overton Chicago Gear

Cleveland Gear

Heavy Movable Structures, Inc.

HMS is a not-for-profit technical organization of volunteers focusing on the heavy civil facilities utilized by or for the public benefit, with emphasis on, but not limited to, movable bridges.

About HMSMembership Benefits